среда, 1 января 2014 г.

New LifePharm Global Endorsement Library!.

New LifePharm Global
Endorsement Library!
There is NOTHING as powerful as an endorsement to help you build your
LPGN business. Available NOW is the NEW LPGN Endorsement Library. Product and Opportunity Endorsements can be viewed both on the public LPGN website by clicking “See what people are saying” on the home page of LifePharmGlobal.com, and they are also available in your Virtual Office under the Resources tab as downloadable PDFs for you to print and share with your customers, prospects and team members. Use these amazing endorsements to help you spread the word about LPGN and how our products and opportunity are changing lives around the world! 


Energy and Physical Strength
"To be successful, you have to be persistent, believe in yourself and love the company and product you are involved in. I have been through seven months of therapy to improve my health, and I believe Laminine assisted in my recovery by allowing me to sleep well and maintain my muscle tone and strength. I am looking forward to getting even more involved with LifePharm Global in the coming months and well into the future."
Laurene B., Australia

Mental and Emotional Boost
"Since I have taken Laminine, I have not experienced any anxiety, something that I usually have to contend with. Being 100 percent sold on the product, I started sharing the same to those near and dear to me. The positive responses just keep on flowing. Laminine has proven to be what we call ‘the miracle of life in a capsule."
Dennis Gian Carlo A., Philippines

Sleep and Skin Improvement
"After consuming Laminine for only two weeks, my husband and I experienced significant improvements to our health. Friends and family have also felt benefits in the area of skin, sleep, digestion, and fatigue. We plan to expand our LPGN business to as many people as possible, so they too may experience a natural approach to health."
Dessy H., Indonesia

Mental and Emotional Boost
"Laminine changed my life both physically and financially. Since my own health has improved, we also hope to share LifePharm Global as a way for people to make a living. We intend to make Laminine a household brand name, because it truly is ‘the miracle of life in a capsule,’ not only in the Philippines but also globally. It is a crime not to share the amazing benefits of Laminine."
Emily S., Philippines

Mental and Emotional Boost
"In general, I am a healthy person and was not looking to make significant changes to my physical well-being. Nonetheless, since I started taking Laminine, I have noticed specific benefits. For one, I haven’t caught a cold even once. For me, that means my immune system is stronger. I no longer get down and feel better overall."
Svetlana G., Emerging Market

Energy and Physical Strength
"Before my sister introduced me to Laminine, I was fighting a relentless battle with my physical frustrations. I often had to skip appointments or commitments I had made due to my physical discomforts. Now I feel my struggles are finally over. Laminine has given me a new life, and I’m proud to share it with people in need."
Marieliza I., Philippines

Sleep and Skin Improvement
"Laminine has improved my health and skin. As my health is enhanced, my income has increased! I will introduce Laminine to many people, so they can feel the benefits. I will also pursue further qualifications to achieve higher ranks."
Linda, Indonesia

Stress and Strain Relief
"Laminine and Laminine OMEGA+++ are very good products. Although my family and I were not unhealthy, we feel the products fortified us. Many friends really needed the products and when I share them, we were gratified to see their health improve within only two or three months. My goal is to inform as many people as possible about the amazing health benefits of these two products."
Tatiana G., U.S.A.

Sleep and Skin Improvement and Mental and Emotional Boost
"Ever since I joined LPGN, I have been sharing stories about Laminine with everybody I meet. Then in December, I began to take Laminine OMEGA+++. I lost 5 pounds and my fingernails became strong as iron. My focus and memory have improved, and I can remember a surprising number of things that would have escaped me before. I sleep like a baby and for me, there has been a very big improvement in my quality of life."
Galina L., Emerging Market

Energy and Physical Strength
"Joining LifePharm Global has made me feel like a new person. When I tell people how much better I feel with Laminine and Laminine OMEGA+++, they want to try it. When they do, they have positive results of their own. I went from not sleeping and lacking confidence to being energetic and productive."
Nina A., U.S.A.

Stress and Strain Relief
"I was both an athlete and a member of the military; but in recent years, the pain in my legs prevented me from sleeping at night. Less than a month after taking Laminine, I experienced great relief and my sleep improved substantially."
Rashid T., Emerging Market

Energy and Physical Strength and Stress and Strain Relief
"Laminine is a product that gives hope and opportunity to everyone to achieve their goals. For me personally, Laminine has helped to increase my strength and stamina, as well as handle stress better."
Olga S., Emerging Market

Mental and Emotional Boost
"Laminine is the most amazing product I’ve ever worked with in 27 years. No other nutritional product does so much, for so many, for so little, so fast. The key is to talk to as many people as possible, tell them your story and the stories of others who have seen results."
Roger D., U.S.A.

Energy and Physical Strength
"Laminine gave my wife her health back, after struggling with physical issues for more than two years. We share her story, the products and then follow up with the business opportunity. We invite people to health seminars and have created AHA, which stands for Amazing Health of Action."
Rendy I., Indonesia

Mental and Emotional Boost
"My favorite reason for becoming a part of LifePharm Global Network is the profoundness of the product. Indeed, it is a miracle of life in a capsule. I intend to do this work for a lifetime. Through my journey, I have met a lot of people with amazing stories on how the product worked for them. This inspires me to stay grounded with the company."
Dioscoro M. B., Philippines

Mental and Emotional Boost
"When I received such good results from Laminine, I was inspired to work the business opportunity. When sharing with others, I start by doing a product presentation and then show the compensation plan. I am happy to be able to help people not only with their health but also with their finances."
Edison T., Philippines

Stress and Strain Relief
"I usually take 2 Laminine capsules in the morning and then 2 some time in the afternoon. I like to describe my experience as brain changing, because it not only has changed how I feel but how I think."
Rick G., U.S.A.

Mental and Emotional Boost
"Our food supply is so bad—it doesn’t have the nutrients we need. But with Laminine, you have 22 amino acids and a great delivery system with fibroblast growth factor. It’s like a conductor in front of an orchestra that tells the amino acids where to go in the body. The key in this business is to share and bless as many as possible with Laminine."
Adrian M., U.S.A.

Mental and Emotional Boost
"I have taken Laminine steadily for about 3 months straight and have seen significant improvements in my emotional and mental state. I used to have mood swings on a monthly basis, but that is pretty much part of the past now, and I am starting to feel life is normalizing for me. Two Laminine a day and I’m feeling great!"
Jennie H., U.S.A.

Laminine OMEGA+++

"My husband and I started taking Laminine in June 2013 and then Laminine OMEGA+++ in December 2013. Now he sleeps very well and his mood has improved. I feel very happy and have less stress in my life. Each day we feel better and younger (we are in our 60s). I’m so happy we have these products and I continue to share with friends and relatives the opportunity to have excellent health and wealth."
Tatyana S., Emerging Market

"I’d been taking Laminine OMEGA+++ for a month and decided to check on the status of my cardiovascular and circulatory system. All tests came back with positive results—the “age” of my vascular system came back as 48 when in fact I’m 64! I was really stunned and delighted!"
Galina A., Emerging Market

"Within two days of taking Laminine OMEGA+++, I no longer experienced discomfort in my knees. I could walk up and down steps with ease and could even pick up my two-year-old grandson when I was sitting on the floor and get up without any discomfort."
Sandy C., U.S.A.

"Since taking Laminine OMEGA+++, I’ve experienced a noticeable improvement in my health! Taking it with Laminine, I have improved focus and energy."
Lacie Renae M., U.S.A.

"I took my first two Laminine OMEGA+++ capsules before bed and woke up the next morning feeling so blissful. I had such clarity that day and much more energy. I am aware of my body using it in my brain and now I’m wondering how else it will help!"
Karen S., Australia

"LifePharm Global Network corporate family has given me a wonderful experience and opportunity. With these miraculous products, I look forward to improving my business achievement, which is also my small way of showing gratitude for what it has done for me."
Dave Guevarra S., Philippines

"I have about 15 years of experience with dietary supplements, but the results I have seen with Laminine are the fastest and the most significant. My 73-year-old father and my children have all benefited from both Laminine and Laminine OMEGA+++. My father feels a difference in his stamina and circulation, and my children are better able to retain what they learn at school."
Timur S., Emerging Market

"Laminine and Laminine OMEGA+++ are very good products. Although my family and I were not unhealthy, we feel the products fortified us. Many friends really needed the products and when I share them, we were gratified to see their health improve within only two or three months. My goal is to inform as many people as possible about the amazing health benefits of these two products."
Tatiana G., U.S.A.

"Ever since I joined LPGN, I have been sharing stories about Laminine with everybody I meet. Then in December, I began to take Laminine OMEGA+++. I lost 5 pounds and my fingernails became strong as iron. My focus and memory have improved, and I can remember a surprising number of things that would have escaped me before. I sleep like a baby and for me, there has been a very big improvement in my quality of life."
Galina L., Emerging Market

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