среда, 1 января 2014 г.

Teamwork can help you meet your GV requirements

Teamwork can help you meet your GV requirements

You have heard the saying a million times: “The speed of the leader is the speed of the pack.” The reason we hear it so often is because it is so true. We can’t expect our family members, friends, or team members to do any more than we are willing to do ourselves.

What does this mean for your LPGN business? Well, as an example, take a look at the number of new IBOs you have personally enrolled in the last three months and your Personal Volume (PV) over the last three months, and then ask yourself: “Would you want you as a member of your team?”

Your team will only be inspired and motivated to work their LPGN business to its full potential when they see you working your business to its full potential. If they see you not sponsoring, not building, not sharing, they will not be compelled to be the best they can be. The general rule of thumb in network marketing is that each of your team members will only do about half of what YOU do. That being said, if you have not personally enrolled anyone in the last three months, chances are that not only have members of your team not enrolled anyone, but many have gone inactive and will not meet their PV or GV requirements.

Our industry is called “NetWORK” Marketing, and it’s called Network Marketing for a reason. What does that mean? Well, let’s break it down.
To work: “to make an effort,” “to be intentional,” “to focus on results.”

Network: “continuous interaction with others.”

  • Those who work, benefit. Our field leaders have told us time and time again how important it is to give commissions to those who are actively working and building their LPGN business.
  • When everyone does their part, EVERYONE wins! As a leader, you have the opportunity to encourage everyone on your team to actively build their LPGN business and meet their GV requirements to earn more with LPGN.
  • GV Requirements are minimal and have NO organizational structure requirements. This means that unlike other Network Marketing companies, you and your team can easily meet the GV requirements without the worry of losing credit for volume based on how your organization is structured or how many leaders are in your team. This is truly a “By You, For You” feature that makes LPGN stand out in the industry.
The recently launched LPGN Generational Volume Requirement is a WIN-WIN: You and your team win by being active and benefiting from building strong, thriving businesses; we all win by sharing the LPGN Products and Opportunity with more and more people.

So, if you ever wonder why your LPGN business isn’t growing as quickly as you would like it to, or you notice that your team isn’t enrolling new IBOs or ordering products, look at your own business and activity first. All the answers you need are in your personal business. The speed of the leader truly is the speed of the pack.

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